The newest search engine on the block,
is a service to assist finding
the latest and greatest releases or rarest hard-to-find movie, book, or music titles and downloads
from a variety of locations
on the Internet and beyond. Our searches can go to retailers that don't even have web sites but may well
have that fave rave in stock. We are continually adding more site searches and other store
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All searches are
LIVE! Unlike many traditional search engines, we don't index web sites, but instead conduct fresh
searches every time so that the results have the highest chance of accuracy in availability and
pricing in this volatile medium of on-line listings, be it small mom-and-pop shops,
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Faster than the host search! We reformat search results that we get back from the remote sites
and in most cases
the results render faster on our pages than they do on the originating sites. A result may have too many items, or
may be delivered in a complicated layout that takes a while for the browser to render. Our reformat authoring
extracts a short list of the first items returned
and reports them in a simple list.
Marginal results ignored! Some search engines give too broad a result and deliver items that are not even remotely close to what was desired.
Our reformatting focuses on the best results from each host search.
Alibris - world's leading supplier of
rare and used books now offers music from hundreds of independent
sellers around the world. - claims to have the biggest selection
of products in the world.
Barnes & Noble - also offers books,
videos, new & used
CDconnection - more than 200,000
CDs including some indie labels and imports
CDuniverse - over 300,000 items.
City Hall Records -
over 15,000 titles, many from regional West
Coast U.S. artists and lots of special interest items and odd formats (even old jazz videos).
Ebay - online marketplace
and trading community with over a million auctions a day.
claims to be the world's largest catalog of music.
Boasts over 11 million listings available directly from over 4,000 sellers. Particularly strong on rare,
used, and hard-to-find titles.
Globe Records - focusing on new and well-established
artists from the vibrant
Greater San Francisco Bay Area music scene. CDs, LPs, & MP3s.
- East Coast retailer with over 100,000 music listings
a community where people buy and sell each others music. Last time we checked they had
over 1.4 million items listed by 291 sellers. -
More than 17 million products. Ranked among the top 3 ecommerce companies in the world
Worlds Records - over 8500 titles that
focus mostly on jazz from the 20's to current day. -
Multi Media search engine - updated on a daily basis.
Apple's -
the #1 music download store with over 2 million songs. - popular
legitimate Mp3 service: 180,000+ songs. - accessing
MP3s in a site created by musicians for musicians and dedicated music fans.
IUMA Internet Underground Music Archive - the
very first (started in 1993!) major website for music downloading which levels the playing field for
3000+ independent bands and artists. - claims to have the biggest selection
of products in the world.
CDuniverse - over 300,000 items.
GEMM - claims to be the world's largest catalog of music.
Boasts over 11 million listings available directly from over 4,000 sellers. Particularly strong on rare,
used, and hard-to-find titles.
- a company that's been around for ten years with two warehouses,
hundreds of thousands of titles and
a huge storehouse of music knowledge. - The world's largest network
of independent booksellers - over 7,400 from around the globe with 25 million items listed and lots of rare, out-of-print, and
antiquarian books.
Alibris - world's leading supplier of rare, used, and hard-to-find
books, manuscripts, maps, photos, prints, and autographs from hundreds of independent
booksellers around the world. - including Amazon Used & Rare: claims to have the biggest selection
of products in the world.
Barnes & Noble -
claims the largest in-stock selection of in-print book titles, supplemented by more than 12 million listings
from its nationwide network of
out-of-print, rare, and used book dealers. - 3rd largest used, rare & out-of-print book
website. - Over 15 million new,
used, rare, and out of
print books from over 15,000 booksellers.
Ebay - online marketplace
and trading community with over a million auctions a day.
GEMM - ever-growing book listings from
many sellers. Particularly strong on rare,
used, and hard-to-find titles.
Powell's Books
Powell's stocks more than a million new and used books in over 4,000 sections, and buys 3,000 books a day over the counter.
Of the one million books a year that it sells, more than half are used.
Alibris - world's leading supplier of
rare and used books now offers movies from hundreds of independent
sellers around the world. - claims to have the biggest selection
of products in the world.
Barnes & Noble -
500 genres of titles.
Blockbuster - rents movies and sells new and used movies,
over 80,000 titles.
Ebay - online marketplace
and trading community with over a million auctions a day.
GEMM - ever-growing book listings from
many sellers. Particularly strong on rare,
used, and hard-to-find titles.
- East Coast retailer with over 70,000 movie listings
Movies Unlimited -
"'s oldest,
most reliable video mail-order company." Established in 1978, this
Philadelphia-based company has sold millions of videotapes all over the world since its inception.
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A service to
assist in finding the latest, greatest and rarest
music, book, or movie titles.